February 2018

Total Pages read: 855, Pages per week: 213, Pages per day: 30



Anna Karenina – Leo Tolstoy 317/837 pages read



a beautiful composition of broken – r.h. Sin 475/475 pages read



Middlesex – Jeffrey Eugenides 63/529 pages read

This month I wasn’t very happy with my amount of reading, and I hope to do better in the future months. My goal for the months to come will be to try to get back into the habit of reading every day and to read at least 4 books. I hope to complete Anna Karenina soon because even though I do really like it, it is quite long and I kind of just want to get it over with at this point, but I am looking forward to how the story plays out.  I enjoyed reading a beautiful composition of broken and I really want to start writing more poetry myself. Some poems I definitely enjoyed a little less than the others, but overall I really like how r.h. Sin talks about all kinds of things from love and heartbreak to mental illnesses such as depression and OCD. With Middlesex, I’ve barely even started the book but I feel like it’s a little confusing and slow, so I gave it a lower rating. I am intrigued by the story, though, and wish to continue reading to see the story really pick up the pace.

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