Dress Up

“She was becoming herself and daily casting aside that fictitious self which we assume like a garment with which to appear before the world.”

Each day she awakened,

wondering how she would dress herself up.

Would she wear happiness,

cascading herself in a bubbly brightness

and plastering on a bright smile that never left?

Or would she wear sadness,

draping herself in a dreary gown of gloom

with her expressions frozen in a mask that made your heart ache?

Or perhaps, she would try on love,

wearing happiness with an added layer of excitement and

accessorizing with softness in her dreamy eyes.


This poem was inspired by the quote we read in class from The Awakening by Kate Chopin. I really related to this quote because at times I feel like it’s easier to throw on a false appearance like clothes to show a better image of yourself than to actually be honest about who you are. I wanted to try doing the same thing with emotions, although it didn’t turn out quite as I would have liked. In the future, I hope to revisit this piece to better convey the same kind of message as in Chopin’s writing.


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